Friday, June 1

Just like Papa and Farmer Tim.

What Who is under four feet tall, completely adorable and loves to randomly break out in song? My nephew and niece, Joshua and Ella. 
Last summer, Josh was given a handful of corn seeds to plant however he wanted. His idea of planting, consisted of throwing all the seeds into one hole. Makes sense to me. And low and behold, the corn grew up, up and up still until it was almost SIX feet tall! This year Joshua, Farmer Tim and Papa were a little more methodical in their planting: put some corn and soybeans in three rows and (fingers-crossed) something will come up. Lord knows the devastation in that little boy will be great if his hard work produces no fruit. Or corn, in this case- you get the idea.
And because whatever big brother does, she can do also, Ella Girl got a piece of the farming action.
Now c'mon little farm- GROW!

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