Thursday, March 22

Labor Shmabor.

I had previously mentioned (albeit briefly) some of the current issues facing farmers, specifically as it relates to the Department of Labor's attempt at restricting our youth's ability to work on their families' farms. Ridiculous. But regardless, this is the reality for America's farmers.
ACTUAL picture from the hearing- cool, right?
I have since found a clip referencing the hearing Tim and I observed when we were back in Washington. Kansas Senator Jerry Moran sits on the Appropriations Committee, which holds jurisdiction over all discretionary spending legislation; and the DOL Secretary Solis was there to testify before the committee. 

Although I still don't always feel like I know exactly what and why something is going on, I am grateful for opportunities like these to learn about something I would otherwise be completely oblivious to (and I know I shouldn't end my sentence with a preposition, but I just couldn't figure out how to say it differently). So here's to hoping common sense prevails. And a very Happy Birthday to my Dad!!


  1. I don't understand. Some day you want your children to work...on your farm? That's just crazy. I wonder where the DOL stands on household chores?

  2. We'll probably have to pay someone to change out toilet paper rolls.
