Tuesday, September 18

Bill the drill.

I totally just made that up. I've never named an implement before, let alone even thought about it. Until now, apparently, when it seemed like the right bloggy thing to do. But this is Tim, pulling Bill the drill- which means we've started planting wheat. Did you know that we plant enough wheat on our farm to produce 6.8 million loaves of bread? If you did, I'm sorry to have repeated myself. But if you didn't, I want you to be impressed. Or at the least, know that that is a lot of pb&js produced in western Kansas. Tim has taken a bit of a corn harvest hiatus, and will resume at a time and date of which I have no inkling.


  1. I love carbs, hence I love bread, ergo I love wheat.

    1. You read my mind! So where's your next post about Miss F? I miiiiiiisssssss her!!!!

  2. I miss Fiona too. Bring on the blogs! Also, love the wheat stats. AWESOME numbers.
