Sunday, January 12


Tim and I are currently beginning our second and final year of service on the state YF&R committee (sad face). Last year I wrote about our first conference planning experience, and now we're gearing up again for 2014 in 12 short days!

Here are just some of the highlights for this year:
KSU Quiz Bowl Winners, 2013 
Dessert Bar at Flint Hills Discovery Center, 2013
This event and organization has grown to mean so much to me because of the impact it has on our profession thereby affecting our livelihood. We had record-breaking attendance last year with over 530 people gathered from across the state; and this year we're expecting a similar turnout. Where else can you meet with and learn from so many others with whom you share so much. 

I'll report back in a couple weeks to tell you how it goes- it's sure to be no fail fun. As long as I don't go into early labor. Which isn't to say that wouldn't be fun, but it's not part of my birth plan and we just can't have that.