Saturday, May 24

He rolls.

On May 20, three days shy of his three month birthday, my sweet little man rolled over from back to front. It was so nonchalant I had no idea it was coming. When we'd do tummy time he would flirt with flipping over but never would. So it was much to my surprise to catch him in the act.  Now he can hardly contain himself. Even when he's tired and had enough. He. Must. Keep. Rolling. I have included (I think) my first ever video on this blog. Probably because I sound ridiculous; I beg you to ignore the high, excited voice that's eight octaves above normal. Thanks for indulging me and an even bigger thanks, or congratulations, if you made it through all 20 seconds of the Isaac show.


  1. Babies hear high pitches better than low ones, so it isn't your fault you are speaking high. It is biology that makes you talk like that. We will let you back into the alto club when you stop breastfeeding.

  2. Had to watch every second of cuteness. Some days I miss that age.
