Saturday, August 16

Harvesting fools.

Well harvest has now been over almost as long as it took to complete! It was drawn out this year because of some cooler weather and moisture. We don't like to complain about the wet stuff but when you have crops in the ground that need to come out you get a little antsy. Especially when the wet stuff is accompanied by the much loathed white combine.
I failed miserably at taking very many pictures but I think the ones I did get are pretty su-weet.

Since Tim was pulling some long days, we had family fun night on the combine. Isaac's obvious enthusiasm was palpable. In other news, I can tell you where he'll be for much of corn harvest. #combineFTW

As with any harvest, we are always thankful when we have something to cut and when it's completed safely. Even if it means not seeing your husband for three weeks.

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