Tuesday, February 12

The small town wave.

The thing about small town living is you can't go many places unnoticed. This doesn't stop me from leaving the house without makeup or shopping in pajama pants, per se; but it has made me think twice before picking my nose. But it's not like you can ride someone's bumper because you want them to drive faster. And you can't honk the horn when the person in front of you takes too long at a four-way stop and have confidence that you will not see that person again. Not that I would ever do that.

I'm still learning to remember to do this; and admittedly, some days I just don't feel like it. But it's the neighborly thing to do; and admittedly, some days, I think it's kinda gasp fun. I'm going to highlight my two favorites. The first is the old standby (and blurry) "Finger Wave" and it looks a little something like this:
And the just-as-creatively-named (and also blurry), "Hand Wave":
Happy driving y'all.


  1. This is 100% true and all of my family can relate. It's a tough transition to make.

  2. Being from Louisburg I'm familiar with the small town wave. Sometimes I like to do it in Johnson County too. It confuses people so much! :)
