Monday, March 12

The Faces of DC

The first part of this trip looked a lot like this (wild and crazy).
I anticipate the second half to look more like this (serious).
Farmer Tim and I go lobby on Capitol Hill tomorrow afternoon. We learned this evening, actually, that we have an appointment with the Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee tomorrow at 3p. The 2012 Farm Bill, Estate & Capital Gains Taxes, Ag Labor (Youth Employment Regulations), Clean Water and Protecting Animal Ag are the primary points of discussion this trip. We will also be making stops at the offices of South Dakota Senator John Thune and Washington Senator Patty Murray. Why there? Because we're trying to find anyone who will listen.

As for my friends (see above), we're special yet awesome. In our short time together we managed to start a band AND get a photo shoot together for our upcoming album and calendar (see above). Life doesn't get much sweeter. 

Fun Farm Fact: one acre is approximately the size of a football field 


  1. I think you mean the middle half will be serious. Because the last half is actually going to be thrilling again.

  2. I'm not so sure the middle can't be thrilling as well....... Hope you got them all on the right page today! Sounds like you are having a GREAT time here! Hugs to you all, sure are missing you 8 miles north!

  3. Wow, very cool that you and Tim get to do that!
