Sunday, September 30

Gray Toes = Fall

Before I could even start this blog post I had to google the correct spelling of the word "grey" or "gray", as it relates to the color. Or colour.  The verdict: no one really knows, but the general consensus is "gray" per the blog title above. Any challengers? I didn't think so. 

Thanks to my mom, I got this pedicure. And with a nod to Fall, I picked darker GRAY. You know what would be annoying? If you got a pedicure and then stubbed your toe and ruined the paint job. Thankfully, that didn't happen this time, but it has happened. Hypothetically. 

Warning: you are about to view a close-up of my foot, viewer discretion is advised.
Welcome October, so nice to see you! Hope you have a great, non-toe-stubbing kind of week.


  1. Did you have to call Amy prior to publishing this post to tell her not to read it?

    1. I should have- apparently she missed my bright, big warning. LOVE all the Cedric pics!

  2. First off, I am so excited to find your blog! Second off, I would love to hear more about your dad's trip to Moldova. HOW cool!

    1. Yay- glad you found me, too! And yes, I can tell you more about his trip; or if you would like, I'd be happy to put you in touch with him too/instead. He went with their church, Eastminster Pres, as a "due diligence" type of mission trip. They visited missionaries they support, etc. and visited at least one orphanage that I know of...!

  3. You have lovely toes, very pretty feet! i like them ;)
